Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Feeling Really Shitty now...........

Well, I went to see my phsyc Dr. today ... He prescribed me Serequel, a 30 day supply of Ambien to take if the Serequel and upped my Lamictal to 75 mg.... On the way down to the Dr. I started to feel really shitty.... I'm really actually excited about Hawk and can't wait to meet him.... But with the other's I happy to be pregnant, but just "lost it" after awhile... I just feel like such a piece of shit mother ! Not to mention I am having the stress and pressure of figuring shit out about baby stuff, bill's, ect.... And I'm having to listen to Rick tell me how bad his fucking life and how much he wishes he was dead ...... Like I don't feel bad enough already for the things that have happened and feel bad enough alone for the shit that's happening now... Thanks a million....... I start therapy on the 13th of Jan, but Rick can't come because this therapist is a BITCH! IDK....I'm just so sick of this shit! Not to fucking mention Rick spent all that time oustside shoveling snow and to get the Truck unburried the other day and for what ? SOME ASSHOLE parked in our spot today when we got back! It pisses me the fuck off! The rest of the parking lot is NOT plowed, no one parks in the neighbors spot which is the 1st one.. But they think they can park in mine ? Fuck that! You didn't shovel it out! What makes you so special ? I am just so fucking pissed ... And tired and have a huge headache.. But it doesn't matter..... Never does........ Wished I could just crawl in a hole and fucking die!

1 comment:

  1. All I am gonna say here is your right on some stuff and wrong on other stuff that you said ...
